One of the main goals of The Animus Code is to promote skateboarders by supporting them with free apparel, stickers, artwork, and featuring them through social media outlets. Our artistic designs are also inspired by our riders. Their input is encouraged and appreciated, and throughout 2014 you'll be seeing more designs that are directly born through their ideas.
Carmen is a northwest native whose feisty, go-for-it attitude is fully reflected in her skate style. With a background in street skating, she brings a creative approach to downhill freeriding, and is able to see lines and features where most people wouldn't. She loves waxing up downhill curbs, slashing driveways in switch, jumping down 8-stairs with her longboard, and pushing herself to go faster into slides. She has a killer drop-knee standup slide that's probably longer than yours. She's not only "good for a girl," she's just straight up good. Although if we're being honest, she's one of the best and most versatile female freeriders in the world.
Carmen has an eye for detail and is a creative thinker in many aspects of life aside from skateboarding, and has provided solid input and artistic suggestions for many designs from The Animus Code. She is half Native American, and is part of the inspiration for the artwork you see here. We're stoked to have her repping for The Animus Code! Be on the lookout for more designs inspired by Carmen's ideas.
Carmen's other sponsors include G-Form, Longboard Larry, Rip City Skate, Caliber Truck Co. and Timeship Racing.

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Rockwell (or better known as Rocky, to most) is a solid all-around skater whose downhill roots shine through in his flowy park and street style. He's a full northwest local and has only been skating hard for a few years, but he's an incredibly fast learner. Rocky has a unique style in which he skates hills and bowls in regular, but does all of his ollies, grinds, and flip tricks in goofy. Skateboarding is thoroughly ingrained in his everyday lifestyle and he goes all out all of the time - not just in the park or at spots, but on his daily commuting. He can go fast and shred with style on the most ridiculous setups and has a super mean switch noseslide.
Rocky is down for anything and is hyped on skating everything all of the time. He's stoked on wolves, nature, skeletons, and all manners of awesome things, so his support and input for our designs is incredibly valuable! Rockwell is an integral part of The Animus Code team.
Rockwell is also sponsored by Subsonic Skateboards in Portland, OR.

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